My passion led by the compass of curiosity brought me from Poland to United States (with a couple of scholarships for studying abroad in Germany on the way). It made me to continue education towards PhD. Analytical skills and flexibility as well as the ease to learn new skills combined in my affection towards Geographic Information Systems. And my esthetical designer soul could be also expressed through Cartography.

My passion led by the compass of curiosity brought me from Poland to United States (with a couple of scholarships for studying abroad in Germany on the way). It made me to continue education towards PhD. Analytical skills and flexibility as well as the ease to learn new skills combined in my affection towards Geographic Information Systems. And my esthetical designer soul could be also expressed through Cartography. In my research I geoprocess spatial data derived by Unmanned Aerial Systems, model the hydrological response of the watershed, perform spatial analysis and cooperate with wide group of researchers. And there is nothing that fascinates me more than sharing my passion with others! Education and cooperation, constant improvement – there are the forces that make me seek for opportunities in the industry. Exceptional combination of skills, knowledge and passion beard fruits in developing the curriculum for new innovative course that teaches students to process UAS data and use it! I am currently employed by North Carolina State University, where I do research and teach.
Hydrological modeling
TOPMODEL, overland flow pattern
2014 - 2017
North Carolina State University
Visiting Scholar
Unmanned Aearial Systems Photogrammetry
Orthophoto and DSM generation
Environmental GIS Analysis
RUSLE, erosion modeling, raster analysis
GIS in education
Outreach, UAV in education
University of Wrocław, Poland
2012 -
Ph.D. Program in Geoinformatics
2008 - 2010
Master's Degree in Cartography
2005 - 2008
Bachelor's Degree in Geography